Interesting Times

Here we are. August, 2020. COVID cases in B.C. are spiking. Live theatre is effectively banned until the vaccine. Meanwhile, I’m playing Dungeons and Dragons over the internet.

Woof. Hi. It’s been a second.

When my Bard on the Beach contract got cancelled in April, I spent about two months burrowed in my own brain. I read books. I took up jogging. I tried to pretend my main source of income hadn’t just dissolved like the cotton candy in that video of a raccoon trying to wash its food in a pond. It’s a funny video. It’s a good laugh.

Ha ha.

So anyway, I’m in my little brain-burrow and then June hits and they find several gas leaks in the walls of my apartment. After eight years living in a dangerous, incompetently managed, mouldering basement suite, the last straw had landed. The camel was in traction. I moved. Now I’ve got a balcony, new furniture, and a crevasse in my bank account so big it echoes back my anxiety-screams fainter and fainter until all that’s left is the silent mockery of wasted potential.

Here’s that video of the raccoon.

Still — stiff upper lip, stout fellow. Carry on, old fluff. There’s plenty folks got it worse than me (he said, shifting his footing, knocking a pebble into the crevasse, watching it bounce down, down, down …)

Recently I’ve been streaming tabletop games with LoadingReadyRun. We’ve just started a DnD campaign you might like. It streams 5pm to 8pm PST on Mondays. It’s also a podcast.

Other than that, I’m trying to keep myself out of the brain-burrow. On to the next thing. There’s always a next thing. Hey! Now’s a great time to publish that novel I finished writing last year! That’s the next thing. On to the next thing. Stop screaming into that crevasse you’re frightening the neighbours.

In closing: be kind, wear a mask, and look at this superb Hirschfeld-esque caricature of me drawn by Patrick Lee (@pldraws on twitter).

Me by Patrick Lee.jpeg
Andrew Cownden